Beautiful pics of A.J. Almasi feet & legs

AJ Almasi (born Andrea Almasi on June 5 1985 at Hendersonville, Tennessee) is an American Model and aspiring Actress. Almasi was the Briefcase Model #19 in the premiere week of NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal in late December 2005. AJ was born living in Hendersonville Tennessee and was awkward and a "tomboy" with Braces and glasses. AJ didn't believe she was capable of this, but she enjoys being a model. Families and friends said that Almasi is an "effervescent" character. They also told her that if she really believes she's capable of anything, she'll be able to achieve it. Almasi changed into Los Angeles into a glamorous gorgeous, stunning girl. The actress began her career as a model and actor. Aj Almasi, who was born Andrea Almasi, was one of 26 briefcase models on the newly NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal. Deal or No Deal 2005, Bikini Locations (2003) and the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson (2005) made her an infamous actress. She was on the show with Briefcase AJ and is focusing on her modeling and acting professional career in Los Angeles. wants to do more.

pics A.J. Almasi a feet & legs pics A.J. Almasi s feet & legs pics A.J. Almasi d feet & legs pics A.J. Almasi f feet & legs pics A.J. Almasi g feet & legs pics A.J. Almasi h feet & legs pics A.J. Mendez j feet & legs pics A.J. Mendez k feet & legs pics A.J. Mendez l feet & legs


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